Smoking reduces the success of brackets

The adverse effects of smoking on general health are well known, and not less popular are those that threaten oral health.

Smoking patients have common concerns about oral cancer, dental stains, pigmentation of tongue cheeks and gums, bad breath, bone and gum reabsorption.

In addition to these concerns, a disturbing fact for the smoker is that, during an orthodontic treatment, smoking considerably increases the chances of pigmenting teeth with black spots, almost as dark as those of a cow. Stains difficult to treat by a dentist.

A study with nicotine performed in rats showed a greater deterioration and damage in the bone that supports the teeth while treatment was done with brackets, which resulted in loose and elongated teeth.

The movement of the teeth with brackets is done through calibrated forces that cause the reabsorption of the bone to allow the displacement of a tooth. These reservations are reversible: their firmness returns time after splinting.

During the administration of nicotine, there is a greater reabsorption of bone that can become irreversible, even after prolonged use of the splint. That is, the teeth are re-encased after using the brackets.

You already have one more reason to quit smoking. If you think about correcting your teeth, you must first correct your habits.

Tartar, a known enemy and more dangerous than you think

What is tartar? The plaque is bacterial plaque accumulated on our teeth and gums that has not been eliminated. It is a hard, yellowish deposit made up of food and bacteria. If you do not end up with bacterial plaque with proper hygiene and healthy habits, it becomes mineralized into what is known as tartar.

Tartar is something very common among people. It is very difficult to eliminate all the waste effectively and it always ends up accumulating matter. Once it is formed and hardened, it can only be removed with a cleaning carried out by a professional hygienist.

Depending on where it accumulates, it can be classified as supragingival (above the gum line) and subgingivally (below the gum line). And is that the tartar apart from causing serious oral health problems, also affects the aesthetics of the teeth. Supragingival calculus is the yellowish plaque between the teeth and above the gums. This plate can be seen easily and is very unsightly. It is able to absorb stains of food coloring and snuff very easily, so the problem is enlarged with daily habits like eating.

However, the sub gingival goes beyond something merely aesthetic. It is more dangerous because tartar, by favoring the appearance of bacteria that are in direct contact with our teeth, can lead to gingivitis. When our immune system does not end with these bacteria, gingivitis ends up leading to a periodontitis, a very serious disease that affects the alveolar bone and the tissues that support the teeth and that, if not treated in a thorough manner, ends with the loss of Dental pieces.

The best thing that can be done to prevent the appearance of tartar is to brush correctly two or three times a day, using a rinse and a toothpaste to control this and, above all, flossing. Even so, it is necessary to go to the dentist at least once a year and get into the hands of a hygienist who, with the help of ultrasounds, will eliminate all kinds of waste thanks to this tool that vibrates and irrigates water on the accumulated plate.

When the tartar has gone beyond the gum and is below it, something more than a normal oral cleaning is necessary. For this it is essential to perform a curettage, a deeper cleaning inside the gums, which may require anesthesia.

You have to be very precise and careful with the bacterial plaque, because at first glance it is not harmful, but if it is not treated it can be really dangerous for your health.

Take care of your teeth

The teeth are fragile and if you do not take care of them you will have to go to the doctor of the teeth, the dreaded dentist! Do not panic, Moms explains how to take care of children’s teeth.


Teeth should be cleaned like the head, feet or arms. You should wash your teeth 2 to 3 times a day, for at least 3 minutes. It’s time for a song! Taking care of one’s teeth is learned by the family as soon as milk teeth appear. Little kids love to behave like grown-ups and play to brush their teeth. From 6 years old they can wash their own teeth, with a toothbrush adapted to their age.

But what happens if you do not wash your teeth? The bacteria in the food attack the teeth and cause so-called “caries”. These are holes that form on the tooth by destroying tooth enamel (the white part that covers and protects the tooth). At first we do not feel anything, but if we wait too long, it becomes very painful!

So you have to wash your teeth every day and check your dentist’s teeth regularly.


This is a very simple and fun tip to remember how to brush your teeth: “always pink to white”. Pink is the gum and white is the teeth. The brush must always move from pink to white. Easy, right?

To be sure to thoroughly clean all teeth, use the technique tested and approved by Moms: the technique of top-to-back (or DDD). First we brush the TOOTH of the teeth, then the FRONT (for a nice smile!) And finally the BEHIND of the teeth. And here you go around the mouth and no tooth has been forgotten!


The dental surgeon (or dentist) is the doctor who heals the teeth. It is he who repairs broken teeth or cavities. Many people are very scared of the dentist but the best way to not hurt is to take good care of your teeth!

The orthodontist is a dental surgeon specializing in the proper positioning of teeth. He is in charge of dental appliances for children, but also for adults. Yes, we can have “rings” at any age!

Suggestions for orthodontic treatments in adults

The orthodontics for adults has a very different children starting point. As the bones no longer grow, there may be loss of teeth or even the bone that supports the teeth; as well as previous treatments, such as implants, crowns, etc. Also, moving the teeth to their natural position may be slower than in the case of children’s dentistry.

All this means that in difficult cases the coordination of different specialists ( dentists , maxillofacial surgeons , endodontists , periodontitis and orthodontists ) may be required to design a coordinated and global strategy that allows solving all problems of the oral cavity and proportional patient perfect denture.

In the same way that one of the fundamental reasons that adults decide to undergo orthodontics is aesthetics, there are many who renounce it for the same reason, since they do not want to be seen with the known metal brackets, which It is the image that most people have about orthodontics. Although it also influences the discomfort of thinking that the treatment should last at least two years.

Orthodontic suggestions for adults

However, currently dentistry already has other resources to make the orthodontics of adults is little visible to others.

Lingual orthodontics

It is one of the alternatives. It consists of the placement of the device between the teeth and the tongue.

The invisible orthodontics

It is very recent. It consists of the use of transparent splints made of silicone or other materials similar to plastic, which are not only barely perceptible, but can also be removed when deemed appropriate.

However, although the aesthetic is, in one sense or another, the main focus of attention when talking about orthodontics for adults, the truth is that what is really important in any case is to have a well-placed and healthy denture, which allows to optimize the functionality of the mouth and solve existing structural problems.

When is orthodontics advised in the case of adults?

And the sooner it is better still, since in adults the resolution of malocclusion problems, dental crowding, etc. is more complex. Any treatment that is carried out on dentures with problems of this type, suffers the risk of compromising its effectiveness in the medium and long term.

Before performing an orthodontics, make sure that the gums are completely healthy and, if not, perform an appropriate periodontal treatment. Only then can we start orthodontics.

On the other hand, in the case that it is necessary to replace some lost dental piece, in some cases it is better to do the orthodontics first and place the implant later, since we are talking about titanium screws that are fixed in the bone and have to be placed in the exact place to properly align with the other teeth.

Despite this, although the implant has been performed before undergoing orthodontics, it can be performed without any problem. It even offers the advantage that when dealing with pieces that are not altered their position and can serve as anchor for the appliances. In addition, orthodontics is also possible if the patient has crowns on the teeth.

Study links oral bacteria with obesity

The results of the research published in a number of the Journal of Dental Research indicate that oral bacteria can serve as a marker for the development of obesity.

Due to concerns about the increasing prevalence of overweight people, researchers at the Forsyth Institute, Boston and the Piracicaba School of Dentistry, University of Campina, Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil, conducted a study focused on the possible function of oral bacteria as a contributor to obesity.

The study researchers collected saliva from 313 overweight women (those with a body mass index between 27 and 32). They identified and enumerated the bacterial populations in the participants’ saliva samples by means of an analysis of the probing DNA and compared the levels with the information of a control group of 232 healthy men and women who were also control participants in studies of the periodontal disease.

The researchers found that seven of the 40 species of bacteria investigated were present in significantly higher concentrations in the saliva of overweight women compared to the control group. They also found that 98 percent of overweight women could be identified by the presence of a single species of bacteria at levels above one percent of the total salivary bacteria.

The results of the analysis of these data suggest that the composition of the salivary bacteria changes in overweight women. The researchers concluded that it seems likely that these bacterial species could serve as biological indicators of a developing overweight condition. Future studies will investigate the role that oral bacteria plays in the pathology that leads to obesity.

Solutions against sensitive teeth

The hypersensitivity in the teeth produces a really unpleasant sensation and in many cases so painful that it can prevent to enjoy certain foods. It is a very common pathology whose most common causes are in the excessive wear of the enamel that covers our teeth or in a deterioration or recession of the gums on which they rest.

Dentin is the inner layer of the tooth. Through its pores, external stimuli reach the nerve responsible for bringing these sensations to the brain. When the dentine lacks sufficient protection (loss of enamel, fissure in the teeth, etc.) too intense sensations (cold or heat) can cause that sharp prick resulting from tooth sensitivity. Also, when the gums expose the so-called cement? That covers the root of the tooth, the painful sensation is more than likely when coming into contact with a very cold or too hot food.

In most cases, dental sensitivity can be prevented and / or nuanced by its unpleasant effects by maintaining, in the first place, proper   oral hygiene and following, in addition, the following tips:

  • Use a soft brush in the daily cleaning of your mouth. Wash your teeth (inner and outer face) firmly but not so hard that you damage your gums. In case of sensitivity, electric brushes are highly recommended. Eliminating any remaining food (especially those containing sugars and acids that attack the enamel) will prevent the formation of tartar contributing to keep your teeth clean and healthy gums.
  • Take care of your sensitive teeth with a specific toothpaste for this problem. Flee the pastes with abrasive whitening components and those that are not endorsed by a laboratory that offers all guarantees (be careful where you buy your toothpaste!).
  • Finish your daily oral hygiene with a mouthwash based on fluoride. It is a great help to decrease sensitivity. In this way you will also strengthen teeth and enamel.
  • In case of dental hypersensitivity forget about chewing gum and control the consumption of foods rich in sugars. Of course the always harmful tobacco also damages the enamel of your teeth.

The toothpastes expressly formulated to combat this problem are a very effective remedy although you have to keep in mind that to notice improvement you should use it for at least two weeks. A good idea to enhance its effectiveness is to distribute with your fingers a little product at those points where you notice greater sensitivity. Let it act for a few minutes and then remove it by rinsing normally.

Massaging the gums with your index finger in gentle circular movements will also help relieve the painful sensation. As a home remedy you can try to give these massages by previously wetting your finger in olive oil. Another effective trick is to go through teeth and gums (always gently) a slice of raw potato or cucumber. In any case, remember the final rinse.

If the dental sensitivity is too pronounced and causes constant discomfort, not only with too cold or hot food, you must go to the dentist, who will determine the specific causes of that discomfort. You may have a damaged nerve, too exposed roots or a crack or break (chopped tooth) that you have not repaired. He can advise the most appropriate treatment:

  • Recipe a specific pasta.
  • Apply a fluoride gel to strengthen the enamel.
  • Carry out a sealing treatment perfectly joining gums and dental roots to prevent cold or heat from reaching the dental pulp (nerve) directly.
  • To practice an endodontic that eliminates or nuances the nervous transmission.
  • Or any other solution that only the specialist can determine. Keep in mind that this pain may not be the result of dental hypersensitivity (especially if that “puncture” that lasts longer than 3-5 seconds). If the discomfort is very frequent, the visit to the dentist should not wait.